1. Bring (someone) up – look after and educate a child. – wychowywać
Przykład: Do you think it is difficult to bring children up as a single parent?
2. Catch on (to something) – understand – załapać
Przykład: The teacher explained it at least three times, but Helen still didn’t catch on.
3. Come out in (something) – often when your body develops spots and rashes. – dostawać czegoś np. wysypki
Przykład: When I eat cheese, I come out in a rash.
4. Cut down on (something) reduce the amount. – ograniczać się/coś
Przykład: You must cut down on all the chocolates and cakes you eat. It’s not good for you.
5. Get (something) across – to be or make (something) understood. – przekazywać coś, tłumaczyć.
Przykład: He had an interesting plan for reducing the level of pollution in the city, but it took him a long time to get his ideas across.
6. get away with (something)– avoid being caught and punished. –uniknąć kary, ujść komuś na sucho
Przykład: He is always late for work. How does he get away with it?
7. get by – survive – przetrwać, dać sobie radę
Przykład: It was hard to get by on one salary when Tom lost his job, but things are Ok now.
8. get (something) down – make a written record. (record – notatka) - zanotować
Przykład: Simon, could you make sure you get his telephone numer down?
9. get down to (something) – start doing seriously – zabrać się do czegoś
Przykład: I really must get down to writing my Christmas cards otherwise it will soon be too late.
get over (something)– to begin to feel better after being unhappy or sick. – dojść do siebie
Przykład: Her grandmother died a couple of months ago and it’s taking her a long time to get over it.
11. get round (someone) – persuade someone to let you do something. – przekonać kogoś
Przykład: My father doesn’t want to lend me his car, but I know how to get round him.
12. give off (something) – produce heat, light, a smell, or a gas. - wydzielać
Przykład: Plastic gives off a horrible smell when it is burnt.
13. keep up (with someone) – maintain (utrzymywać) the same level. – nadążać
Przykład: It’s very difficult to keep up with her because she walks so fast.
14. look (something) up – find information, often in a reference book. - sprawdzić
Przykład: He looked up all of the new words in his dictionary.
look up to (someone) – admire, respect. – poważać, podziwiać
Przykład: I have always looked up to my mother. She is so kind.
16. look down on somebody – to think someone is less important than you. – patrzeć na kogoś z góry. Przykład: She looks down on anyone who hasn’t had a university education.
17. make of (something/someone) – think of – sądzić o kimś/czymś
Przykład: What do you make of that new book by Jason Bryant? I couldn’t understand a word of it!
Take after – to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character.- być podobnym do kogoś z rodziny.
Przykład: He takes after his mother.
19. put someone out – to cause trouble or extra work for someone. – narażać kogoś na niedogodności, zawracać komuś głowę. Przykład: Would it put you out if we came tomorrow instead of today?
20. take up – to start doing a particular job or activity-podejmować się czegoś, zajmować się czymś
Przykład: He's taken up the position of supervisor.
21. pass away – to die – umrzeć
Przykład: Her father passed away last week.
pass out - to become unconscious. – zemdleć
22. pass out - to become unconscious. – zemdleć
Przykład: He passed out from the heat.
23. take off – to suddenly become successful. - odnosić sukces.
Przykład: Her career had just taken off.
24. turn up – to arrive. – pojawić się.
Fred turned up late again.
25. take something back – to return something to the place that you got it from. – zwracać, oddawać
Przykład: I have to take the books back to the library.
26. put up with – to accept an unpleasant situation or experience or someone who behaves unpleasantly. – znosić, tolerować.
Przykład: I can’t put up with his behaviour anymore!
27. come across something/someone – to find something or someone by chance. - spotkać, natknąć się na coś.
Przykład: He came across some old love letters.
Przykład: He passed out from the heat.
28. give sth away – to give something to someone without asking for any money- rozdawać
Przykład: I’m going to give all my old clothes away to charity.
29. make up with sb – to become friendly with someone again after an argument-pogodzić się z kimś
Przykład: Have you made up with Tina yet?
30. fall out with sb –to argue with someoene - pokłócić się z kimś
Przykład: I have fallen out with my sister.
31 come down with – to get an illness. – zachorować na coś
Przykład: I came down with the flu at Christmas.
32. take in –to understand and remember. - zrozumieć, przyswajać
Przykład: I didn’t take in what he said.
33.turn down –to refuse. - odrzucać (ofertę), odmawiać (komuś)
Przykład: He turned down her offer.
34. put off – to delay. – odłożyć.
Przykład: He put off leaving till Thursday.
35. put away – to return to its proper place. – schować
Przykład: She put her clothes away in the drawer.
36. wear off – to become less. – mijać, przechodzić, ustępować (np. ból, uczucie)
Przykład: The pain is wearing off.
37. wear out – to become unfit for further use. – znosić, zużyć się
Przykład: I’ve worn out my socks.
38. try on – to put on a piece of clothing to discover if it fits you. – przymierzać
Przykład: She tried on a new hat.